
Extra Credit Assignment...

This is my own personal manifesto, which was inspired and influenced by Karim Rashid's Creative Manifesto. Though the full manifesto is not yet available, some of it can be found at

Below is my creative manifesto. Each point, though subjective opinion, I view objectively as I work toward my own creative dreams...

  1. Never create for the sake of another. Whether you're trying to meet a deadline, or finish a project, you should always be creating with your own creative integrity in mind.
  2. Creating should not be looked at as work, or treated as play. It is of its own category as far as time management is concerned (work, eat, play, sleep, create, etc.).
  3. Leave a legacy. Everything that you create is a reflection of yourself, whether it is a part of your progression towards greatness, or created at the perceived pinnacle of your creative career.
  4. Think long-term. Both in general and in terms of what the audience/yourself want, or need.
  5. Save your drafts. Though looking back a draft might not seem important, drafts can spawn more than one single avenue.
  6. Set goals for yourself. Whether you are the type of person who works well on a strict schedule or not, give yourself creative tasks to be completed by certain times. These could be looked at as personal deadlines.
  7. Collaborate. You may think your ideas are great, but every idea can only be greater. Great works of art throughout history may be renowned, but it is undeniable that each could be objectively better.
  8. Use your resources. Focus on what you do have at your fingertips rather than on what you do not have. Making a list of resources can help to realize the best/quickest way to get a project completed.
  9. Do your research. Anything that you are truly passionate about should be engaging enough to research what is already known about it.
  10. Believe. So many people stop creating when they are young because they do not believe that they can be the best at anything artistic. No one who is in fact the best in there field gets to that position by not believe in themselves.
If you want it, you got it. It's all about the passion.


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